adjust the @page rule size for different classname matches during printing

I am attempting to adjust the @page rule size based on matching classnames, however, my research has only led me to pseudo-classes which do not seem to solve my issue.

Here is a snippet of my CSS:

@media print {
   @page {
      margin: 13.2mm 0mm 12.9mm;

HTML file #1

<div class='classname-1'>
   Insert content here...

HTML file #2

<div class='classname-2'>
   Insert content here...

The solution I devised does not seem to work correctly when printing, as it only applies the most recent @page rule:

@media print {
   .classname-1 { 
      @page {
         size: portrait;
         margin: 13.2mm 0mm 12.9mm;

   .classname-2 { 
      @page {
         size: landscape;
         margin: 5mm 5mm 5mm;

Answer №1

After conducting thorough research, I was unable to locate any suitable methods or techniques for this task. As a result, I decided to personalize the formatting of elements during the printing process.

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