I'm having trouble resizing the images to match the height of the browser window. My goal is to limit the images' height to a maximum of 1100px and have them scale down based on the height of the browser.
I've experimented with setting the height to 100% and auto, but so far nothing has worked.
Here is an example page -
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
<div id="lane" style="top: 49px; width: 1328px;">
<div id="album-intro" class="cell">
<div class="wrap">
Laura Myers </h1>
<p>Financial Times, How To Spend It</p>
<p>Founder of Atea Oceanie. Photographed in Knightsbridge, London, 2012. </p>
<div class="cell">
<img data-respond-to="height" data-presets="tiny,45,60 small,75,100 medium,360,480 medium_large,600,800 large,768,1024 xlarge,825,1100 huge,825,1100" data-base="http://trentmcminn.com/dev/storage/cache/images/000/027/laura," data-extension="jpg?1373373141" alt="laura.jpg" height="1100" width="825" src="http://trentmcminn.com/dev/storage/cache/images/000/027/laura,xlarge.jpg?1373373141" style="cursor: pointer;">