Adjust the image's height to adapt to the size of the browser

I'm having trouble resizing the images to match the height of the browser window. My goal is to limit the images' height to a maximum of 1100px and have them scale down based on the height of the browser.

I've experimented with setting the height to 100% and auto, but so far nothing has worked.

Here is an example page -

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

 <div id="lane" style="top: 49px; width: 1328px;">

        <div id="album-intro" class="cell">

        <div class="wrap">

        Laura Myers </h1>
        <p>Financial Times, How To Spend It</p>
        <p>Founder of Atea Oceanie. Photographed in Knightsbridge, London, 2012. </p>



        <div class="cell">

    <img data-respond-to="height" data-presets="tiny,45,60 small,75,100 medium,360,480 medium_large,600,800 large,768,1024 xlarge,825,1100 huge,825,1100" data-base="," data-extension="jpg?1373373141" alt="laura.jpg" height="1100" width="825" src=",xlarge.jpg?1373373141" style="cursor: pointer;">


Answer №1

When it comes to block elements, they do not automatically expand to fill a container vertically. Therefore, using height: 100% or height: auto; will not achieve the desired effect.

In similar situations, I have utilized jQuery in the following manner:

 var height = $(window).height();

 if(height < 1200){
  $('img').css('height', height + 'px');

  var height = $(window).height();
  if(height < 1200){
   $('img').css('height', height + 'px');

You can adjust the height calculation according to your preferences for how you want the layout to appear.

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