Adjust the height of the element to prevent the need for a double-scroll

Currently, I have created a webpage for a client that includes a PDF using an iframe tag. The issue arises when the PDF is rather large, resulting in two scrollbars - one for the page and one for the embedded PDF within the iframe (loaded through the integrated Adobe plugin in the browser). I am seeking a solution to dynamically resize the iframe height to eliminate the need for the PDF scrollbar and only keep the page scrollbar visible.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Best regards, Francesco.

Answer №1

You have the option to use the overflow property in CSS to hide scrollbars


<iframe src="..." class="pdf-frame"></iframe>


.pdf-frame {
    overflow: hidden;

Answer №2

Assuming you have specified <iframe id="myiframe" ... in your code.

To resize the iframe dynamically, you can utilize jQuery like this:


Alternatively, in vanilla JavaScript:

document.getElementById("myiframe").style.height = "someHeight";

If you are seeking additional information, there is a useful article available here (Dynamically resize divs with jQuery).

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