Is it possible to submit a form through a JavaScript hotkey?

Here's the current code that I'm working with:

<select tabindex="2" id="resolvedformsel" name="resolved">
     <option selected="selected" value="yes">resolved</option>
     <option value="no">not resolved</option>
     <option value="mu">not a support question</option>
<input type="submit" value="Change" id="resolvedformsub" name="submit">

I'm looking to add a key combination (such as Ctrl+Alt+1) to automatically select "resolved" and submit the form. This will be really helpful in our support forum for quickly marking threads as resolved.

I want a solution using pure JavaScript, no jQuery involved. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

In simpler terms: How can I replicate jQuery's keypress/keydown functionality in vanilla JS?

Answer №1

To improve functionality, consider implementing a form. If you choose to proceed without one, you can still utilize the following code:

window.addEventListener('keypress', function (event) {
    if (event.which == 13 && event.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl + Enter
        document.getElementById('resolvedformsel').options[0].selectected = true;

Answer №2

Mastering key combinations can be tricky, especially with certain keys reserved for other functions. If you're running into trouble, a different approach may be necessary. My suggestion would be to examine the jQuery source code to see how they deal with the metaKey property in event objects. Additionally, exploring plugins that specialize in handling events with key combinations could provide valuable insights and inspiration.

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