Adjust the content to align with the dimensions of the Angular PowerBI client's

I have created some reports in Power BI with an iframe height of 80rem, which is fine. However, I am encountering an issue where if the report's height is lower, it leaves a blank space that I would like to eliminate.

I have experimented with CSS, but adjusting the iframe height causes other reports to be cut off. Removing the height setting results in the report displaying at a fixed size of 300w x 150h. I have also attempted to utilize pages layout, display options, and visual layouts without success. The guide I am following is available here:

After reading about pages layout, I believe this issue can be resolved using that method, but I am unsure how to implement it. Do you have a solution for this? Thank you in advance.

The configuration for Power BI is as follows:

  this.config = {
        accessToken: accessToken && accessToken.currentValue ? accessToken.currentValue : this.config.accessToken,
        tokenType: tokenType && tokenType.currentValue ? this.getTokenType(tokenType.currentValue) : this.config.tokenType,
        embedUrl: embedUrl && embedUrl.currentValue ? embedUrl.currentValue : this.config.embedUrl,
        type: type && type.currentValue ? type.currentValue : this.config.type,
        id: id && id.currentValue ? id.currentValue :,
        filters: filtersExternal && filtersExternal.currentValue ? filtersExternal.currentValue : this.config.filters,

And Fixed config:

 // Fixed configuration
fixedConfig: IEmbedConfiguration = {
    settings: {
        navContentPaneEnabled: false,
        filterPaneEnabled: false,
        customLayout: {
            pageSize: {
                type: models.PageSizeType.Custom,
                height: 600,
                width: 1300

Answer №1

Successfully resizing the Power BI report in the UI with this method

 this.reportService.getReportObject(reportName).subscribe(res => {
        this.reportmodel = res;
        this.config = {
            type: res.reportType,
            accessToken: res.embedToken.token,
            embedUrl: res.embedUrl,
            permissions: pbi.models.Permissions.All,
            tokenType: pbi.models.TokenType.Embed,
            viewMode: pbi.models.ViewMode.View,
            settings: {
                filterPaneEnabled: false,
                navContentPaneEnabled: navigation,
                layoutType: pbi.models.LayoutType.Custom,
                customLayout: {
                   displayOption: pbi.models.DisplayOption.FitToWidth
        this.pbiContainerElement =  document.getElementById('pbi-container');
        this.powerBiService = new NgxPowerBiService();
        const reportobj = this.powerBiService.embed(this.pbiContainerElement, this.config) as pbi.Report;'loaded');
        reportobj.on('loaded', () => {
    err => {
        this.dashboardLoadError = true;
        throw new Error('Exception occured while rendering the dashboard:' + err);

Answer №2

Good Morning,

After some investigation, I have found that the issue I was facing was related to maintaining a 16:9 aspect ratio on certain screens, which resulted in a significant decrease in height. The solution turned out to be very simple - adjusting the height of the container div of the iframe based on the width of the screen:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
        // TODO: Define a variable
        height: 60rem;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 1300px) {
        // TODO: Define a variable
        height: 55rem;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
        // TODO: Define a variable
        height: 35rem;

This adjustment ensures that the iframe adapts to the content of the report.

Here is my HTML code for the div and iframe:

    <div class="tn-powerbi__frame" [ngClass]="{ 'tn-powerbi__frame--fullscreen': fullscreen,'tn-powerbi__frame--insurtech': reportId===20  }" #powerbiFrame></div>

Best Regards, Iván Allué

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