If you want to understand better, take a look at this link:
Here's the scenario: I have one article with 2 CSS columns. In the first column, there is text and images for the article, while in the second column, I want to place aside elements like text or images that resemble newspaper sidebars.
Using Zurb Foundation, I created a row with two columns. The article goes into the first column, and I want to add asides in the second column but only after a specific point.
For example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit,
tincidunt ut laoreet dolore [here]
magna aliquam erat volutpat.
The goal is to place the aside content after the specified point marked by "[here]" from the first column.
So, my question is, can we achieve this with a two-column layout using Zurb Foundation where elements are added to the second column based on points specified in the first column?