Adding padding with and without child elements

As I work on styling a basic menu, I'm struggling to find a solution for adding padding to list items so they all have a consistent look.

The challenge arises from the fact that I have an unordered list where list items may or may not contain an anchor element. When there is an anchor, I want the entire visible space of the list item to be clickable (meaning the anchor should take up 100% width and height), but when there is no anchor, the list item should still maintain the same dimensions as the others.



    <li><a href=''>Home</a></li>



ul { padding:0; margin:0; width: 200px; background: lightgray; }

li { padding: 20px; border: solid black; }

li a { display: block; }


When attempting to add padding to the a element, items without a child lose the padding, while adding it to both elements results in uneven sizes. In the provided fiddle example, there is a part of the list item that remains unclickable. How can this issue be resolved?

Answer №1

If I apply padding to element 'a' only, items without a child won't have padding. But if I apply it to both, items with a child will appear larger.

One solution is to counteract the extra size by using a negative margin equal to the padding amount:

li a { display:block; margin:-20px; padding:20px; background:red; }

(The red background was added for visual demonstration purposes.)

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