Adding borders to the TreeView component in Material-UI: A step-by-step guide

I have some React code here and I'm trying to display dashed lines on the left of a tree. How can I achieve this effect?

I am looking for something similar to this:

Additionally, I want to combine the style of TreeView with the following code snippet:

const StyledTreeItem = withStyles((theme) => ({
        iconContainer: {
            '& .close': {
                opacity: 0.3,
        group: {
            marginLeft: 2,
            paddingLeft: 3,
            borderLeft: `1px dashed ${fade(theme.palette.text.primary, 0.4)}`,
    }))((props) => <TreeItem {...props} />);

"organizationalUnitsList": [
      "organizationalUnitId": "",
      "organizationalUnitName": "A",
      "organizationalUnitsList": [
          "organizationalUnitId": "",
          "organizationalUnitName": "b",
      "organizationalUnitId": "",
      "organizationalUnitName": "C",
      "organizationalUnitsList": [
          "organizationalUnitId": "",
          "organizationalUnitName": "D",
          "organizationalUnitsList": [
               "organizationalUnitId": "",
               "organizationalUnitName": "e",
      "organizationalUnitId": "",
      "organizationalUnitName": "f"


Currently, I don't want TreeView to display a borderBottom at OrganizationalUnitName like 'A', 'C', and 'D' as they will be considered parents of their child. I only want the child elements to show a borderBottom.

There are multiple organizationalUnitId values present, but whenever an array of objects is displayed, I want them to appear as children rather than parents. How can I accomplish this?

Answer №1

Learn how to enhance the appearance of your tree structure by adding vertical borders to each TreeItem. For horizontal borders, simply create a pseudo element for every TreeItem and utilize absolute positioning for accurate placement. Here's an example implementation:

import TreeItem, { treeItemClasses } from "@mui/lab/TreeItem";

type StyledTreeItemProps = {
  rootNode?: boolean;

const StyledTreeItem = styled(TreeItem)<StyledTreeItemProps>(({ rootNode }) => {
  const borderColor = "gray";

  return {
    position: "relative",
    "&:before": {
      pointerEvents: "none",
      content: '""',
      position: "absolute",
      width: 32,
      left: -16,
      top: 12,
        // only display if the TreeItem is not root node
        !rootNode ? `1px dashed ${borderColor}` : "none"

    [`& .${}`]: {
      marginLeft: 16,
      paddingLeft: 18,
      borderLeft: `1px dashed ${borderColor}`


  <StyledTreeItem rootNode nodeId="1" label="Applications">
    <StyledTreeItem nodeId="2" label="Calendar" />
    <StyledTreeItem nodeId="3" label="Drive" />
  <StyledTreeItem rootNode nodeId="8" label="Documents">
    <StyledTreeItem nodeId="9" label="OSS" />
    <StyledTreeItem nodeId="10" label="MUI">
      <StyledTreeItem nodeId="11" label="index.js" />

Check it out live!

Version 5

Version 4

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