Adding a scrollbar to a React Bootstrap DropDown

I am utilizing the react bootstrap dropdown feature, which can be found on this website

Currently, I am facing an issue where my dropdown list overflows vertically when there are many items, making it unresponsive. Here is a picture showing the problem: I have been trying to add a scroll bar to the list but haven't succeeded. Any assistance would be appreciated.

This is the code snippet I am working with

                onSelect={(evt) => this.handleSeatSelection(evt)}
                { => (
                  <Dropdown.Item key={seatNumber} eventKey={seatNumber}>

Answer №1

To create a scrollable dropdown menu, assign a specific height to the class and apply an overflow-y property with a value of scroll like so:

.dropdown-menu {
  height: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

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