Add motion to the div element when hovering and moving the mouse away

Looking to add animation to a list moving from left to right and vice versa. Now, I want the list to animate from left to right when the mouse hovers over the div, and then animate from right to left when the mouse leaves the div. Can someone assist me with this?

$('.ul_div').mouseover(function () {
    $('.ul_div').css({ display: 'block' });
    $('.ul_div ul').animate({ left: '100px', background: '#ccc' }, 100);
<div class="ul_div">Hover Me<div>
<ul id='ulEle'>
    <li><a href="">demo</a></li>
    <li><a href="">demo</a></li>
    <li><a href="">demo</a></li>
    <li><a href="">demo</a></li>

Demo Here

Answer №1

Check out this Demo on jsFiddle


.ul_div ul {
    position: absolute;
    display: none
.ul_div {
    border:2px solid Blue;
    position: relative;



 function () {
     $('.ul_div ul').css({
         display: 'block'
     $('.ul_div ul').animate({
         left: '100px',
         background: '#eee'
     }, 100);

 function () {
     $('.ul_div ul').animate({
         left: '0',
         background: '#eee'
     }, 100, function () {
         $('.ul_div ul').css({
             display: 'none'

Answer №2

To utilize the CSS properties left and right, it is necessary to define positioning for the ul element.

Modify your CSS in the following way:

#ulEle {
    position: absolute;

.ul_div {
    border:2px solid Blue;
    position: relative;

Next, make adjustments to your jQuery code by incorporating the hover() function with the code snippet provided below:

$('.ul_div').hover(function () {
    $('.ul_div ul').animate({ left: '100px', background: '#bbb' }, 100);
}, function() {  
     $('.ul_div ul').animate({ left: '0px', background: '#bbb' }, 100);

For a demonstration, refer to the updated jsFiddle.

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