The art of selecting elements and attaching event listeners in a React environment

Currently, I am working on my portfolio website using Gatsby. The layout includes a sidebar on the left with navigational links (Home, About, Work, etc.), and the main content is displayed as one long strip of sections on the right. When a user clicks on a link, the page smoothly scrolls to the corresponding section. My goal is to apply a different style to the link when the user reaches that particular section. While I have successfully implemented a solution using vanilla JavaScript to achieve this active state functionality, I am now exploring how to accomplish the same in a more React-friendly manner.

useEffect(() => {
const navbarlinks = document.querySelectorAll("nav a");

const navbarlinksActive = () => {
  let position = window.scrollY + 200;
  navbarlinks.forEach((navbarlink) => {
    let section = document.querySelector(navbarlink.hash);
    if (position >= section.offsetTop && position <= section.offsetTop + section.offsetHeight) {
    } else {

window.addEventListener("load", navbarlinksActive);
document.addEventListener("scroll", navbarlinksActive);

return () => {
  window.removeEventListener("load", navbarlinksActive);
  document.removeEventListener("scroll", navbarlinksActive);
}, []);

In the code snippet above, I first select all navigation links. Then, by iterating through them, I retrieve the hash property, which corresponds to the id of the respective section being targeted. Depending on the position, the CSS class is either added or removed. This script resides within the sidebar component, where the links are Gatsby Link elements.

return (    
      className="hover:text-clr-accent flex items-center py-2 px-4 transition"
      <i className="fa-solid fa-house w-6 text-center text-lg"></i>
      <span className="pl-2 text-lg">Home</span>

      className="hover:text-clr-accent flex items-center py-2 px-4 transition"
      <i className="fa-solid fa-file w-6 text-center text-lg"></i>
      <span className="pl-2 text-lg">Resume</span>

      className="hover:text-clr-accent flex items-center py-2 px-4 transition"
      <i className="fa-solid fa-address-card w-6 text-center text-lg"></i>
      <span className="pl-2 text-lg">About me</span>

      className="hover:text-clr-accent flex items-center py-2 px-4 transition"
      <i className="fa-solid fa-briefcase w-6 text-center text-lg"></i>
      <span className="pl-2 text-lg">My work</span>

Answer №1

  • Try setting the active link Id to state and render based on that, instead of directly adding/removing the active class. This will prevent React from potentially overwriting your classes during rendering.

  • Avoid using the load event listener; simply call navbarlinksActive() as the window is already loaded by the time your effect is triggered.

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