Add fresh inline designs to a React high-order component creation

Applying a common HOC pattern like this can be quite effective. However, there are instances where you may not want a component to be wrapped, but rather just extended. This is the challenge I am facing here.

Wrapper HOC

const flexboxContainerStyles = {
  display: 'flex',
  flexDirection: 'row',
  backgroundColor: 'pink',

let WrapInFlexContainer = FlexChild => class extends React.Component {
    return (
      <div className="flexContainer" style={flexboxContainerStyles} >
        <FlexChild {...this.props} />

const Button = (props) => <button>{props.txt}</button>
let FlexButton = WrapInFlexContainer(Button);

In the following examples, a button is rendered without any style attributes.

Example 1.1: pass-through via createClass

function hocPassThroughViaClass(Component) {
  return React.createClass({
    render: function() {
     return <Component {...this.props} style={flexboxContainerStyles}/>;

Example 1.2 pass-through via direct render

let hocPassThroughViaRender = Element => class extends React.Component {
    return <Element {...this.props} className="flexContainer" style={flexboxContainerStyles} />

Example 2: create

function hocCreate(Component) {
  return React.createClass({
    render: function() {
      const modifiedProps = Object.assign({}, {...this.props}, {...flexboxContainerStyles});
      return React.createElement(Component, { ...modifiedProps });

Example 3: clone

function hocClone(Component) {
  return React.createClass({
    render: function() {
      const modifiedProps = Object.assign({}, {...this.props}, {...flexboxContainerStyles});
      return React.cloneElement(<Component {...modifiedProps } />);

// render examples
let HOCPassThroughViaClassButton = hocPassThroughViaClass(Button); // 1.1
let HOCPassThroughRenderButton = hocPassThroughViaRender(Button); // 1.2 
let HOCCreatedButton = hocCreate(Button); // 2
let HOCClonedButton = hocClone(Button); // 3

Based on some insights gathered online, it appears challenging to return the same Component if it is the only child.


Answer №1

When creating a button without any style attributes, remember to pass along the style prop.

Could the issue be resolved by modifying the code like this:

const CustomButton = (props) => <button style={}>{props.text}</button>


It's important to note that Higher Order Components (HOCs) don't automatically pass props to children of the wrapped component. This means that basic elements like <button /> or <div /> require props to be explicitly provided. While you're passing props to <CustomButton />, not to <button />. You can, however, create an HOC that enhances a basic element.

let enhanceElement = element => (
  class extends React.Component {
    render() {
      let { children, ...props } = this.props
      return React.createElement(
        { ...props, style: customStyles },


let EnhancedButton = enhanceElement('button')

let MainApp = props => <EnhancedButton>{props.text}</EnhancedButton>


Incorporating known props like style and className when creating components can enhance reusability without specifying implementation details.

// Best practice!
let StyledButton = ({ children, ...props }) => <button {...props}>{children}</button>

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