Add CSS properties to child elements that are not of a specific selector, while styling their descendants without any restrictions

Seeking assistance for an Angular application, but the query also pertains to CSS principles in general.

In my Angular project, I have a main component containing several child components, all with standard view encapsulation. Specifically, I am looking to adjust the line-height of all p tags within the parent and child components to a different value.

I have found a solution using SCSS as shown below:

:host {
    ::ng-deep {
        p {
            line-height: 2em;

However, I wish to exclude a specific child component - let's name it foobar. My attempt is demonstrated here:

:host {
    ::ng-deep {
        :not(foobar) {
            p {
                line-height: 2em;

It appears this does not work as expected due to other elements possibly containing the p tag as descendants.

An alternative approach could be:

:host {
    ::ng-deep {
        p:not(foobar p) {
            line-height: 2em;

Nevertheless, managing multiple overrides for various elements or classes can become cumbersome with this method.

Hence, my question remains; is there a more efficient or modern way to achieve this using SCSS or updated selectors? Are there any Angular features that could assist in this scenario (aside from disabling viewEncapsulation)?

Answer №1

If you're looking to deeply customize the styles of the parent component and its child components, you can achieve this by creating a separate stylesheet and including it in the parent's styles array as shown below:

Parent Component

<p>Parent paragraph</p>

Child One

<p>Child one paragraph</p>

Child Two

<p>Child two paragraph</p>


:ng-deep {
  child-one {
    p {
      color: green;

  child-two {
    p {
      color: blue;


p {
  color: cyan;


  selector: 'parent',
  template: './parent.html',
  styles: ['./parent.styles.scss', 'extra-styles.scss']
export class ParentComponent {}

Check out the Demo

Answer №2

To solve this issue, I implemented a SCSS mixin:

@mixin not-foobar {
    &:not(foobar #{nth(nth(&, 1), length(nth(&, 1)))}) {

Here's how you can use it:

:host {
    ::ng-deep {
        p {
            @include not-foobar {
                line-height: 2em;

This mixin allows me to generate the p:not(foobar p) { selector only where necessary, avoiding potential errors from manually setting the selector.


#{nth(nth(&, 1), length(nth(&, 1)))})
part of the mixin specifically targets the immediate parent element. Using just & would select the entire parent, causing unintended consequences in my situation.

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