Clicking on a different texture/image allows for the texture to change in Three.js

I am working on creating a 360 image view using Threejs. I have a total of 4 images, with one linked to Threejs and the other 3 displayed as thumbnails at the bottom of the page. When a thumbnail is clicked, the 360 image view should change accordingly.

You can check out my Codepen to see the project in action. Please note that the 360 image appears black on Codepen, but it functions correctly when viewed locally. Below is a preview of the project running on localhost where you can also view the 3 additional images at the bottom.

Here is a snippet of my localhost image code:

var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
                map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load( 'assets/image3.jpg' )
            } );

Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of the sphere, it is important to update its material. Begin by preloading all images and saving them as materials. Assuming the user is positioned inside the sphere, focus on rendering the backSide only.

//global variables
var images = [];

//preloading images
for (var i = 0; i < numberOfImages; i++) {
var loadImage = new THREE.TextureLoader().load('path/to/image/imageName_'+i, function(texture) {

     var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map:texture, side:THREE.BackSide});


When a thumbnail is clicked, update the material by selecting the appropriate one from the array, similar to the action in the load event. Then, ensure to set

object.material.needsUpdate = true
to display the changes on the sphere.

EDIT : Another approach is to store the preloaded textures in the array and update the existing Remember to mark

object.material.needsUpdate = true;
to reflect the modifications.

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