Add a CSS class to the main document via an iframe

Is there a simple method to apply a CSS class that is specifically defined in the head of an iframe to an element located in the main document?

Can this be done without having to resort to using JavaScript to copy the class from the iframe's head to the main document's head?

It would be great if something like the following (even though it's not valid) could work in the main document:

<div class="#iframe.classtoapply">lorem ipsum</div>

Answer №1

hello there, here's how you can achieve this.. Imagine you have an iframe with class names a and b. CODE


Now, picture a main page with the mentioned iframe. You can write the following code. Take a look.

<script src=""></script>
<iframe src="youriframe.html"></iframe>
<span class="a" >Hi</span>
<span class="b" >It Worked</span>
$(function() {
    setInterval(function() {
        if(typeof($('iframe').contents().find('head>style').html())!='undefined') {

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