Adaptable Navigation

I am currently working on creating a responsive navigation menu inspired by Bootstrap's design. However, I have encountered some challenges in implementing it. The current issue I am facing is that the navigation disappears when transitioning from a small screen to a large one. You can view my progress so far here: In the example provided, you may notice that the navigation gets hidden after loading and remains hidden even upon expanding the screen size. This happens because the jQuery script checks for a screen size under 992px during loading and hides the navigation if true. I believe there might be a way to reassess the screen size as it changes using the jQuery resize() function, but my attempts have been unsuccessful. Any suggestions or alternative methods would be greatly appreciated!

If necessary, I am open to starting the navigation menu from scratch if there is a more effective approach. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Answer №1

Using CSS3 Media queries would greatly simplify this task.

@media only screen and (max-width:500px) {
    .navigation {display:none;}

Answer №3

if ($(window).width() > 500) {
else {

Solution implemented successfully

Answer №4

Check out this simple window resizing function!

    var hideOrShow = ($(window).width() < 992 ) ? 'hide' : 'show';

Answer №5

If you're interested in creating a responsive menu, check out this helpful tutorial:

You can also view a demo and download the code from the website.

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