Activate single elements one at a time

If you want to understand the question better, take a look at my code on jsfiddle.

Each Div contains only one link. When you click on the link, it sets the Div to active and shows a hidden Div within it. Clicking the link again toggles the active style and hides the hidden Div. This is how I want it to work, but I also want it so that if I click on another link while the previous Div is still set to active, it will only make the newly clicked Div active and toggle the previous one off.

I hope this explanation makes sense. Feel free to ask for more information if needed.

If you have suggestions for a better way to code this small snippet, I would greatly appreciate them.

Thank you.

Answer №1

If you ensure that all related divs are siblings in your markup, this method will work without the need for IDs or attributes:

$('.href').click(function (event){

    // locate parent div
    var parentDiv = $(this).closest('div');

    // make current div active and others inactive

   // toggle visibility of hidden div

Check out this demo on jsFiddle

The crucial line here ensures proper formatting by adding the correct class to the outer div, ensuring none of its siblings have it, and hiding any hidden elements in each sibling.

I have also provided an alternative version here that works even when the enclosing divs are not siblings.

Answer №2

Prior to revealing the concealed div, you have the option to inspect all other hidden div elements, conceal them if needed, and adjust the style of the parent div:

$('.hidden').each(function() {
    if($(this).is(":visible")) {

Take a look at an updated fiddle for reference.

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