Achieving Rounded Corners through CSS Shapes and Borders

Are there any techniques available that can create rounded boxes without relying on images and also compatible with all versions of Internet Explorer?

Answer №1

For a brief response: No.

Expanding on that: Rounded corners may not be supported for every iteration of IE. However, is it really necessary to display rounded corners across all browsers? Major platforms like Twitter have abandoned this feature in favor of prioritizing modern browser compatibility. If you're not using a current browser, you might miss out on the aesthetic enhancements.

Answer №2

If you're looking for ways to achieve rounded corners in Internet Explorer, you can explore various VML and HTC-based hacks like DD_roundies. A quick search on Google using keywords such as "Internet Explorer Rounded Corners CSS" or "Internet Explorer Border Radius CSS" should yield some other solutions to consider.

Alternatively, some developers choose to let Internet Explorer render their web pages differently. Check out this thought-provoking website for more insights:

Answer №3

One of my favorite tools to enhance website design is the jQuery corner plugin. This handy plugin creates stylish rounded corners on elements, utilizing background divs for Internet Explorer and native CSS attributes like "radius" for browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.

In addition to its practical functionalities, this plugin offers a variety of interesting effects that can elevate the overall look of your website. Give it a try and unleash your creativity!

Answer №4

Just stumbled upon this amazing website. It's a game-changer!

Answer №5

If you're looking for a unique touch, why not give CurvyCorners a try?

Answer №6

There is a technique that does not rely on images and is universally compatible, but it involves a substantial amount of code:

Answer №7

While this may not directly solve your specific request, it is an important point to consider.

If having rounded corners in Internet Explorer is not a crucial requirement for you, it may be acceptable to accept that some IE users will not see rounded corners on your website. The advantages of using CSS3 rounded corners, such as cleaner code, easier maintenance, and better control, are more significant than the possibility of disappointing an IE user who misses out on rounded corners.

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