Achieving a child div to occupy the entire available space when the parent is specified as `mx-auto` can be accomplished using Vue and Tailwind CSS

Sorry if this seems like a basic question, I'm still getting the hang of Vue and tailwind.

In my parent template, it looks like this:

  <div class="mx-auto mt-4 max-w-3xl">

Above and below this template, there are other elements. One way this template is used is by adding a child in the slot, like so:

<div class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center bg-green-500 px-6 py-6">
    This is the text

The goal here is:

  • The child (green panel) should take up all available free space on the screen
  • It shouldn't cause a scroll to appear
  • Ideally, I don't want to modify the parent template since it's used in various places

However, using h-full creates a small frame instead:

I've also tried using h-screen, but that didn't achieve the desired effect either. How can I set the height here to get the desired outcome, like this:

(taking up all available space without causing a scroll)

Answer №1

After reviewing the code you shared, it appears that setting the parent element to h-screen is causing overflow due to the margin created by the mt-4 class, which is not accommodated for by the 100vh of h-screen. Switching the margin to padding should resolve this issue and give you the desired outcome. I have provided a working example in this tailwind play link for reference.

I hope this explanation helps clarify things for you.

Answer №2

Your child is not receiving the h-full property because the parent element also lacks this property. Since you are unable to modify the styling of the parent template, one solution is to create a container outside the parent with full height and set a property on the outer container to ensure all its immediate children match the height of the parent.

Let me simplify this in basic HTML:

<!-- Container -->
<div class="h-full overflow-auto [&>*]:h-full bg-blue-600">
  <!-- Parent cannot be altered-->
  <div class="mx-auto mt-2 max-w-3xl">
  <!-- Child -->
    <div class="inline-flex h-full w-full items-center justify-center bg-green-500 px-6 py-6">
       This is the content

Live Example:

In the code, [&>*]:h-full instructs all immediate children to have the same full height.

Addressing the scrollbar issue: When setting the parent's height to 100% of the container, keep in mind that it does not account for the margin of the parent. One workaround is adjusting mt-2 to pt-2 within the parent (if possible).

Additionally, make sure the container div occupies the entire height by adding height: 100% to HTML and body:

html, body{
  height: 100%;

Note: While using h-screen may appear as an easy fix to fill an element to the whole viewport, it may not always be the best approach, especially in intricate nested layouts. h-screen limits the height to the viewport only.

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