Achieve text length that does not exceed the specified limit dynamically

Is it possible to determine the length of the visible portion of text that overflows (or calculate the size of the overflow for further processing) using CSS or JavaScript?

If so, can this calculation be done dynamically (such as on window resize)?

The goal is to create a "read more" button that always remains at the end of the last visible line, regardless of screen size.

Answer №1

Creating something similar to this requires consideration of multiple factors. For example, your "text" may consist of a combination of text and various other elements like <b>, <i>, or <img>. If we assume it's solely plain text, the approach outlined below involves iteratively splitting the string into smaller sections in order to determine the text that matches the height of your original element while keeping any overflow hidden.

function getVisibleText(source)
    let yardstick = document.createElement(source.nodeName);
    let sourceRectangle = source.getBoundingClientRect();
    let text = source.textContent; = sourceRectangle.width + "px"; = "absolute"; = "-999px"; = "-999px";
    yardstick.textContent = text;
    let size = text.length;
    let difference = size;
    let yardstickRectangle = yardstick.getBoundingClientRect();
    let result = text;
    while((difference > 1 || yardstickRectangle.height > sourceRectangle.height) && size > 0)
        difference = Math.round(difference / 2);
        if(yardstickRectangle.height > sourceRectangle.height)
            size -= difference;
            size += difference;
        result = text.substring(0, size);
        yardstick.textContent = result;
        yardstickRectangle = yardstick.getBoundingClientRect();
    // Trim to the last whole word
    let match = (new RegExp("\\s+\\S*?$", "g")).exec(result)[0];
        result = result.substring(0, result.length - match.length);


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