After incorporating an additional element, the li:nth-child(odd) selector is no longer functioning correctly

I previously had a setup where items in a list would have alternate colors using jQuery:

$('ul.follows li:nth-child(odd)').addClass('alternate');

Everything was functioning properly until I introduced an a tag before the list items. Now, my structure looks like this:

<ul class="follows">
            <a href="#">
            <li class="me">
                <img src="#">

Any insights on why it suddenly stopped working?

I could place the <a> inside the <li>, but then I'm unsure how to make the entire item clickable...

Answer №1

To correct your list markup, ensure that the only valid child of UL is LI. Then implement the following CSS:

ul.follows li {padding: 0;}
ul.follows li a {display: block; height: 100%;}

After making these adjustments, your jQuery should function properly and your LIs will be clickable across their entire width.

For clarification, refer to this link for a live example on jsfiddle:

Answer №2

If you've recently added a new tag, you may need to adjust your selector accordingly. Consider using the following syntax:

$('ul.follows a li:nth-child(odd)').addClass('alternate');

By implementing this jQuery code snippet, you can effectively navigate through your HTML elements. I trust this information proves beneficial!


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