Achieve a seamless alignment of text/icons at the bottom of a row in BootStrap 4

Looking at this screenshot showing red and blue lines from a Firefox add-on called Pesticide:

Here is the code from the screenshot:

<div class="row my-auto">
     <p class="h6">
        <span class="pl-3 text-white  align-bottom"><i class="icofont-business-man  "></i>Particulars - Add Particulars Below</span>
         <span class="align-bottom"></span>

Hey there, I'm attempting to align the text with the bottom of the row (blue line) instead of the current red line. The goal is to have the text perfectly aligned with the bottom of the row just like the icon.

I've experimented with different Bootstrap classes like my-auto, mb-0, align-*, no-gutter, without success. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

Personally, I prefer using flexbox for alignment like this. While I'm not a bootstrap expert, you should be able to achieve it using some classes, as shown below.

<div class="row my-auto">
     <p class="h6 d-flex align-items-baseline">
        <span class="pl-3 text-white  align-bottom"><i class="icofont-business-man  "></i>Particulars - Add Particulars Below</span>
         <span class="align-bottom"></span>

If using CSS, the code would be:

.h6 {
    display: flex;
    align-items: baseline;

Answer №2

Give this a shot

<div class="row my-auto d-flex align-items-end">
   <p class="h6">
      <span class="pl-3 text-white  align-bottom"><i class="icofont-business-man  "></i>Details - Include Details Below</span>
      <span class="align-bottom"></span>

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