A versatile CSS solution for fixed background images that stretch to fit any screen height across multiple browsers

Similar Question:
Stretch and Scale CSS Background

I am interested in finding a method to create a background with specific criteria: - remain fixed in place - adjust proportionally based on the window's height - work across all browser types or at least have solutions for various browsers, including IE.

Despite my efforts in searching extensively, I have been unable to locate a satisfactory solution.

Appreciate any help. Thank you.

Answer №1

Bringing back the horse? :D Well, this task might require more than just CSS... or does it?

There is a property called background-size:cover in CSS3 (which basically means "say goodbye to outdated browsers"). Alternatively, JavaScript solutions can be used for compatibility with older browsers.

Check out this demo on w3schools (not the best source but at least there's a demonstration).

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