A user-friendly JavaScript framework focused on manipulating the DOM using a module approach and aiming to mirror the ease of use found in jQuery

This is simply a training exercise. I have created a script for solving this using the resource

    (function(window) {
    function smp(selector) {
    return new smpObj(selector);

    function smpObj(selector) {
        this.length = 0;
        if (!selector ) {
            this.el = [];
            return this;
        if (selector.nodeType ) {
            this.el = selector;
            this.length = 1;
            return this;
        } else if(selector[0]==='#'){
            this.el = document.getElementById(selector.slice(1, selector.length));
            this.length = 1;
            return this;
        } else if(selector[0]==='.'){
            this.el = document.getElementsByClassName(selector.slice(1, selector.length));
            return this;
        else return null;

I then attempted to call it like this:


However, the browser was unable to find my smp definition.
In the future, I plan to add methods to use it in this way (for example, changing color):


I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point out my mistake.

Update: I am still facing issues with adding methods like:


I attempted to do it like this:

  (function color(smp) {
    window.smp.prototype.changeColor = function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) 
            this.el[i].style.color = color;
        return this;

Answer №1

The tutorial you referenced has a helpful explanation in the Module Export section.

To utilize the function effectively, it must be assigned to a variable, whether globally or locally. One way to do this locally is:

var smp = (...)(window)

This approach requires that something be returned in the function. Hence, before the })(window) part of your code, ensure to return the smp function.

return smpSelector

Combining all steps together:

var smp = (function(window) {

    function smpSelector(selector) {
      // ... snip

    function smpObj(selector) {
      // ... snip

    return smpSelector;


Moreover, if you wish to keep this functionality in a separate file while still maintaining access to smp, you can assign it globally. This is commonly practiced in various libraries, such as jQuery:

(function(window) {

    function smpSelector(selector) {
      // ... snip

    function smpObj(selector) {
      // ... snip

    window.smp = smpSelector


Subsequently, from a different file, execute the following:

 <script src="/path/to/smp/file"></script>
 var foo = smp('something')

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