A step-by-step guide on how to exclusively print items that have been selected using a checkbox in AngularJS

I have created two tables and added a checkbox for each one.

Instead of default checkboxes, I have used images that change when clicked. Here is the code snippet:

<button class="btn btn-lg btn-customPrint-md no-print" ng-click="checkBoxPrint2 = !checkBoxPrint2"><i class="fa fa-1x" ng-class="checkBoxPrint2 ? 'fa-square-o' : 'fa-check-square-o'"></i></button>

So, when clicked, it changes the FontAwesome icon.

Additionally, there is a Print Button to print the page according to the print css rules:

 <button class="btn btn-lg btn-custom-md pull-right" ng-click="vm.$window.print()"><i class="fa fa-print fa-2x"></i></button>

Now, my question is how can I make it print ONLY the tables with the checkbox checked (meaning with "fa-check-square-o" icon)? My initial thought was using ng-class to add a "noPrint" class to hide the element from printing. Does this approach sound logical?

Answer №1

If you have boolean properties, you can utilize ng-show or ng-hide to display or conceal tables accordingly.

Although I may not fully grasp your query, a straightforward example would be as follows:

$scope.showElement = false;

<div ng-show="showElement">This element will only appear if the variable is true.</div>

In your scenario, consider using checkBoxPrint2 as an expression for ng-show/hide on specific elements you wish to hide. For instance, you could opt to always show headers while hiding the content.

For further guidance and examples, refer to:


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