a non-breaking space within a hyperlink

While working on the subnavigation of a website, I encountered an issue with the link Suite «Mont Blanc», which was pulled from the backend. The desired format for this link was:

«Mont Blanc»

However, the link was displaying as:

  Suite «Mont

I am aware of using  , but adding it to the structure element name disrupts the functionality of the link. Is there a way to use an invisible non-breakable space instead?

Answer №1

Here's a cool way to use it: Check out the Demo


    white-space: nowrap;


<span>«Mont Blanc» </span>


If you want the span content in the next line, you can experiment with this method: See the Demo here

    white-space: nowrap;

Answer №2

To stop text from wrapping in CSS, add the following style rule:
white-space: nowrap;

Answer №3

To enclose it within a span, you can follow this format:

Suite<br />
<span style="white-space: nowrap;">«Mont Blanc»</span>

By using the white-space: nowrap; CSS property, text wrapping is prevented, regardless of the size of the containing div element.

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