A method to trigger the opening of a div tag when a button is clicked using Vue.js

 <div class="input-wrapper">
          <div class="mobile-icon"></div>  
            class="input-section label-set"
            v-model.trim="$v.mobile.$model" :class="{'is-invalid': validationStatus($v.mobile)}" 
             placeholder="Enter your mobile number" :maxlength="maxmobile" v-model="value" @input="acceptNumber"
        <div v-if="!$v.mobile.required" class="invalid-feedback">The Mobile Number field is required.</div>

                <!-- <div v-if="!$v.mobile.minLength" class="invalid-feedback">You must have at least {{ $v.mobile.$params.minLength.min }} numbers.</div> -->
                <div v-if="!$v.mobile.minLength" class="invalid-feedback">Kindly check phone {{ $v.mobile.$params.maxLength.min }} number.</div>

          <!-- for 2nd screen -->
          <button class="verify-button" @click="displayOtpFields()">SEND OTP</button>
          <!-- for 3rd screen -->
          <div class="verified-section dn">
            <div class="tick-icon"></div>

          <label style="display: flex ; align-items: center">
            <input type="checkbox" style="margin-right: 5px;" class="" checked="checked" name="sameadr" />
            Reach out to me on<span class="whatsapp-icon"></span> Whatsapp

          <div class="otp-wrapper dn" v-if="showOtpFields">
            <div class="enterprise-details">Enter OTP and send as an SMS</div>
            <div class="verify-wrapper">
              <input class="otp-number" type="text" placeholder="-" />
              <input class="otp-number" type="text" placeholder="-" />
              <input class="otp-number" type="text" placeholder="-" />
              <input class="otp-number" type="text" placeholder="-" />  
              <button class="verify-button-otp">Verify</button>
            <div class="receive-otp">
              Did not receive OTP <b style="color: #ee1d24"> Resend Now </b>

How to set condition when user clicked on send-otp button, It should display "otp-wrapper dn" div tag above.

created code for otp fields in html, But on button click, how to set condition to display otp fields.

Answer №1

    <button @click='sendOtp'>Click here to send OTP</button>
    <div class='otp-wrapper dn' v-if="otpBtnClicked">
        // Add the remaining part of your OTP wrapper here

    export default{
         data(){ return { otpBtnClicked: false } },
         methods: {sendOtp() { this.otpBtnClicked = true; }}

Implementing a v-if statement in your code will help resolve your issue.

If you desire animated effects, simply add a CSS class to your otp-wrapper element with the designated animation properties.

Answer №2

To start, simply hide the otp-wrapper-dn div by adding a display:none style to it.

<div class="otp-wrapper-dn" style="display:none"> ... </div>

Next, set up an onclick event for the send OTP button and create a method for it in the methods section (or alternatively, you can use a pure JavaScript function) where you can specify how to make the div visible.

methods: {
  function MethodName(){
    // Include actions to send OTP to customer here
    var otpSent = document.getElementByClassName('otp-wrapper-dn')[0];
    // or document.querySelector('.otp-wrapper-dn');
    otpSent.style.display = "block";
<button @click="MethodName()">Send OTP</button>

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