A guide to implementing scroll overflow in the middle section of an Angular application using Flexbox

Struggling with implementing scrolling in my Angular application using Flexbox. Despite reviewing numerous flex examples, I am unable to achieve the desired scroll effect on a specific section. This is more of a question related to Flexbox rather than Angular.

I have attempted to replicate the issue as closely as possible, and it persists even in this example on stackblitz

The goal is to create a wizard-like application where buttons remain fixed at the bottom while different components are swapped in and out.

The structure in app.component.html is outlined below:

    <div id="outer-container">    
        <div id="router-outlet-parent">

The pages are routed into

while the fixed buttons are placed in


One of the components (Page1) consists of a "header" (gray) and a "contents" section (pink) that needs to be scrollable.

The objective is to scroll only the pink section without affecting the header.

When applying overflow: auto in the following snippet from app.component.css, the entire component scrolls along with the gray header:

    #router-outlet-parent {
         flex: 1 1;
         overflow: auto;
            /** min-height: 0; **/

Setting the above code to overflow: hidden prevents scrolling altogether, leaving me stuck on how to enable scrolling specifically for the pink section identified as #main-scrolling-content in page1.component.css.

How can I achieve this functionality within the current setup?

Answer №1

Insert the following CSS code into the form element of your page1 component

form {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 100%;

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