A completely css-based interpretation of google images

I am in the process of trying to recreate the layout found in Google Photos and stumbled upon this intriguing page https://github.com/xieranmaya/blog/issues/6 . I am particularly interested in the final result of the project, which can be viewed here: . Upon inspecting elements on the page, one specific line caught my attention:

<div ng-repeat="img in imgs" style="flex-grow:70.57291666666667;flex-basis:169.375px;" class="ng-scope">

  <img ng-src="stock-photo-34598868.jpg" src="stock-photo-34598868.jpg">

My main question revolves around the calculation method employed to determine the values of flex-grow and flex-basis used by the developer, given that this is not explicitly covered in the tutorial. Can you shed some light on this?

Answer №1

In this demonstration, I am using jQuery to replicate the flex grow effect found in the Angular version.

$('img').each(function() {  //Iterate through all images
var img = $(this);

//Apply flex settings
    .css('flex-grow', img.width() * 100 / img.height())
    .css('flex-basis', img.width() * 240 / img.height() + 'px');

Check out the Fiddle here!

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