You are limited to using a maximum of two custom tags within a custom div

I came up with this code that is supposed to style the elements differently based on their tag names. However, when I tested it, the styling did not work as expected. For example, 'London' should be displayed as a large and bold h1 text, while the other two should be h2 texts. But instead, everything shows up as normal text. Additionally, if I use only two elements in the weather-app, they display correctly, but adding more than two causes issues. Another problem I noticed is that when using the same element name twice, only the first instance gets styled properly, while the second appears as regular text. I'm seeking help in identifying and fixing these issues. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

It seems like this solution may fit your needs. The issue appears to be related to the shadow.appendChild(). Consider using instead.

const h1 = (tag) => {
  const ptag = document.querySelector(tag);
  const shadow = ptag.attachShadow({
    mode: 'open'
  const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
  h1.innerHTML = ptag.innerHTML;,;

Additionally, replace .appendChild() with .replaceChild().

Check out the Demo below:

const h1 = (tag) => {
  const ptag = document.querySelector(tag);
  const shadow = ptag.attachShadow({
    mode: 'open'
  const h1 = document.createElement('h1');
  h1.innerHTML = ptag.innerHTML; = "blue";,;
const h2 = (tag) => {
  const ptag = document.querySelector(tag);
  const shadow = ptag.attachShadow({
    mode: 'open'
  const h2 = document.createElement('h2');
  h2.innerHTML = ptag.innerHTML;,;
const div = (tag) => {
  const ptag = document.querySelector(tag);
  const shadow = ptag.attachShadow({
    mode: 'closed'
  const div = document.createElement('div');
  div.innerHTML = ptag.innerHTML;,;
  <temp-data>15 C</temp-data>
  <city-name>Hi. Does thhis look like h1 text?</city-name>

Answer №2

  1. To achieve the desired outcome, consider utilizing and replaceChild(), as suggested in a previous response by @Carsten Løvbo Andersen.
  2. .querySelector() retrieves the first matching element, while .querySelectorAll() gathers all matches, necessitating the use of .querySelectorAll().
  3. The functions for h1, h2, and div share notable similarities - here's an adjusted version:

const foo = (elementTag, shadowMode) => tag => {
  const query = document.querySelectorAll(tag);
  query.forEach(ptag => {
    const shadow = ptag.attachShadow({
      mode: shadowMode
    const element = document.createElement(elementTag);
    element.innerHTML = ptag.innerHTML;,;

const h1 = foo('h1', 'open');
const h2 = foo('h2', 'open');
const div = foo('div', 'closed');

  <temp-data>15 C</temp-data>
  <city-name>Hi. Does this resemble h1 text?</city-name>

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