Writing and altering content within the <code> element in Chrome is unreliable

Utilizing a WYSIWYG Editor with contenteditable functionality allows users to input "code snippets" using a <code> element. Here is an example:

<div contenteditable="true">
        This is a paragraph with an <code>inline snippet</code>!

Check out this link for reference.

In the Firefox browser, placing the cursor before the first character of <code> will prepend the element:

https://i.stack.imgur.com/lOAFG.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/Qf8Ry.png

However, in Chrome, attempting the same action results in appending to the previous element: https://i.stack.imgur.com/oLZ8C.png

As a result, adding content to the beginning of this element is not possible in Chrome.

The behavior discrepancy between browsers raises the question: How can I ensure consistency across different platforms?

Answer №1

Chrome excels in its implementation of selections under these circumstances. By placing it within an inline element such as <span>, you can easily control the movement using arrow keys from left to right. The selection will remain on the right when moved from right to left, demonstrating the concept of gravity.

Can anyone explain why this behavior occurs? Is there a method to ensure consistency?

One crucial tip is to avoid relying solely on the contentEditable attribute. Opt for a robust Rich Text Editor instead.

Furthermore, there aren't many RTEs that standardize this specific behavior due to its complexity and minimal impact on user experience. While achievable with the correct setup and data model in place, it may involve significant effort. For instance, implementing this feature in CKEditor 5 is feasible but not yet recommended for production use. As for other RTEs, the process remains unclear. Nevertheless, attempting to resolve this issue directly within the native contentEditable should be avoided at all costs.

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