Within my table, there are multiple columns, the last two of which have the "is-sticky" class. My goal is to add unique styles specifically to the first sticky column

<td> ...</td>
<td class="is-sticky">...</td> <-- looking to add a unique style here
<td class="is-sticky">...</td> <-- no styles should be applied here

Within the provided code snippet, there may be multiple sticky columns following the initial one. However, it is specifically the first column for which I am interested in implementing a distinct style.

Answer №1

Unique CSS Technique : Targeting elements with the same class that are siblings, then inverting the selection and targeting the class again.

:not(.is-sticky ~ .is-sticky).is-sticky {
  color: red;
    <td> .asdasd..</td>
    <td class="is-sticky">.. Frist .</td>
    <td class="is-sticky">... Second</td>
    <td class="is-sticky">... Third</td>

Answer №2

To assign multiple classes to an element, you can use the following method

<td class="is-fixed customClass">

Answer №3

Include an additional class with the original one

"class ="is-sticky first-column"

Afterwards, you can target only the first column in your CSS.

.first-column .is-sticky {
    color: white;

Answer №4

If you want to give special styling to the first sticky element within a parent, you can use the :first-child selector.

.is-sticky:first-child {
  background-color: red;
<div class='is-sticky'>text</div>
<div class='is-sticky'>text</div>
<div class='is-sticky'>text</div>
<div class='is-sticky'>text</div>

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