Windowing box inside a container box

I am looking to implement scrolling for just the "chat-messages" div within the "chat-bar" div on my site. I want only this specific section to be scrollable, while the rest of the site remains stationary. Currently, I have to scroll through the entire page in order to view the "input-row" div. When I apply overflow: auto to the "chat-bar" div, it causes the entire input-row to also become scrollable. Can someone provide me with the best CSS/HTML solution to fix this issue? Alternatively, recommendations for a simple JavaScript library would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the link to my jsfiddle:

Update: I was able to find a solution, although it feels somewhat like a workaround.

.chat-messages {
    overflow-y: scroll;
    -ms-overflow-style: none;
.chat-messages::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    .chat-messages {
        right: -5%;
        padding-right: 3%;

This solution has been tested and works on the latest versions of IE, EDGE, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera (as of October 14th, 2016).

Answer №1

It ought to do the trick.

body {
.chat-history {
       overflow:scroll !important;

Answer №2

Have you considered implementing the following CSS code?

.conversation-container {

Answer №3

Give this a shot.

.form-group {
    position: absolute;
    top: 20px;
    right: 20px;

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