Why isn't fancybox displaying the correct color for my div?

When loading a <div> in fancybox, the background color is set to Red. However, the CSS is not loading properly. What could be causing this issue?

<div id="divForm" style="display: none;" class="error">
    An error has occurred on the page.
function display_dialog() {
            content: $("#divForm").html(),
            padding: 5,
            openEffect: 'fade',
            openSpeed: 'normal',
            closeEffect: 'elastic',
            closeSpeed: 'slow'

 .error {
    border: 1px solid;
    margin: 10px 0px;
    padding:15px 10px 15px 50px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 10px center;
    color: #D8000C;
    background-color: #FFBABA;

Answer №1

Instead of using content: $("#divForm").html(), you should use the actual #divForm element as the content to retain your styles.

According to the jQuery documentation:


Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements

If there is a direct parent above #divForm in your HTML, select that parent and apply .html() on it. For example:

<div class="bananas">
    <div id="divForm" style="display: none;" class="error">
        An error has occurred on the page.

Then use:

content: $(".bananas").html();

Answer №2

Simply swap out

content: $("#divForm").html(),


href: "#divForm",

Take a look at JSFIDDLE

Keep in mind that if you're using modal: true, you might need to establish a method for closing the box either manually or automatically.

Answer №3

Give this a shot:

<div id="formSection" style="display: none;">
    <div class="errorMsg">
        Oops! Something went wrong.

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