Why does my JavaScript code only function properly on the initial div element?

I want to create a JavaScript function that changes the color of the title when I hover over an image. It seems to be working, but only for the first div. Could it be an issue with my scoping?

Thank you!

      <a href="" id="img"><img src="http://www.vetprofessionals.com/catprofessional/images/home-cat.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" id="head1"><h1>test title</h1></a>
      <a href="" id="img"><img src="http://www.vetprofessionals.com/catprofessional/images/home-cat.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" id="head1"><h1>test title</h1></a>
<script type="text/javascript">
var image = document.getElementById("img");
var text1 = document.getElementById("head1");

function changeTextRed() {
    text1.style.color = 'red';

function changeTextDefault() {
    text1.style.color = 'blue';

image.onmouseover = function(){

image.onmouseout = function(){


Answer №1

Avoid using the same IDs for multiple elements as it can cause issues. Instead, utilize classes and access them in JavaScript like this:

var images = document.getElementsByClassName("img");
var headings = document.getElementsByClassName("head1");

Update your HTML to use classes:

      <a href="" class="image"><img src="http://www.example.com/image.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" class="title"><h1>Sample Title</h1></a>
      <a href="" class="image"><img src="http://www.example.com/image.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" class="title"><h1>Sample Title</h1></a>

Answer №2

It is recommended to use only CSS for this task.

a h1 {
  color: blue
a:hover ~ a h1 {
  color: red
      <a href="" id="img1"><img src="http://www.vetprofessionals.com/catprofessional/images/home-cat.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" id="head1"><h1>test title</h1></a>
      <a href="" id="img2"><img src="http://www.vetprofessionals.com/catprofessional/images/home-cat.jpg" class="img" width="200"></a>
      <a href="" id="head2"><h1>test title</h1></a>

Answer №3

The main purpose of having an ID is to uniquely identify something, whereas for grouping multiple HTML elements, classes are used.

To retrieve an array of all elements with a specific ClassName in JavaScript, you can utilize the following function:


After obtaining the elements, you need to iterate through each one to apply your desired functions. There are two straightforward approaches to achieving this.

If you prefer a design where a function is called, here's an example:

var elements = document.getElementsByClassName("ClassName")
for(var i in elements) {
    (function(elem) {
    elem.mouseover = function() {
        elem.style.color = 'green';

Alternatively, you can take advantage of the fact that the scope of the function during a mouseover event is the element itself:

function setColor() {
    this.style.color = `green`;
for(var i in elements) {
    elements[i].mouseover = setColor;
    elements[i].mouseover = function() {

Although your question pertains to JavaScript, it's worth considering using CSS for such tasks:

a.ClassName {
    color: yellow; /* Default Color - optional */
a.ClassName:hover {
    color: green; /* Change color on mouseover */

I hope this explanation proves helpful!

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