Why does Javascript Tic-Tac-Toe delay notifying the user until the entire board is full?

There have been a lot of questions about Tic-Tac-Toe javascript, but my issue is unique. My code works fine, but it doesn't declare a winner or a tie game until the entire board is filled. I suspect that my if statements are causing problems and can't read a "nodeValue of null" unless the whole board is fully populated. How can I solve this? I tried adding a "blank" text node to the board, but then all blank squares become equal. Is there a way to compare empty squares with filled ones to determine a win? (Specifically looking at the Array defined in the start_game() function and the if statements inside the beat_game() function for comparing 2-D arrays). Besides addressing this, any suggestions on improving my js code are welcome. Here's the code snippet:


    <script type="text/javascript">
        window.onload = function page_load() {
       // alert('in here');

        function start_game() {
           if (document.getElementById('board')) {
            win_Array = [
            body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
            table = document.createElement('table');
            table.id = 'board';
            table.setAttribute('border', '1');
            tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
            run = 0;
            win = 0;
            var count;
            td_Array = [{
                t: 'TL',
                m: 'ML',
                b: 'BL'
            }, {
                t: 'TM',
                m: 'MM',
                b: 'BM'
            }, {
                t: 'TR',
                m: 'MR',
                b: 'BR'
            tr = document.createElement('tr');
            tr.id = "tr1";
            for (count = 0; count <= 2; count++) {
                td = document.createElement('td');
                td.id = td_Array[count].t;
                td.setAttribute('onClick', 'value("' + td_Array[count].t + '")');
            tr = document.createElement('tr');
            tr.id = "tr2";
            for (count = 0; count <= 2; count++) {
                td = document.createElement('td');
                td.id = td_Array[count].m;
                td.setAttribute('onClick', 'value("' + td_Array[count].m + '")');
            tr = document.createElement('tr');
            tr.id = "tr3";
            for (count = 0; count <= 2; count++) {
                td = document.createElement('td');
                td.id = td_Array[count].b;
                td.setAttribute('onClick', 'value("' + td_Array[count].b + '")');

        function value(data) {
            if (run % 2 !== 0) {
                td = document.getElementById(data);
                text = document.createTextNode('O');
            } else {
                td = document.getElementById(data);
                text = document.createTextNode('X');
            } //document.getElementById('').childNodes[0].nodeValue //node value prevents error.

        function beat_game() {
           // alert('test sucessful');
            var x, y;

                for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) 
                { //for checking across td's
                   if (document.getElementById(win_Array[x][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[x][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue 
                   && document.getElementById(win_Array[x][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[x][2]).childNodes[0].nodeValue) 
                        win = true;
                        win_value = document.getElementById(win_Array[x][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue;
                for (y = 0; y < 3; y++) 
                { //for checking down td's
                    if (document.getElementById(win_Array[0][y]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[1][y]).childNodes[0].nodeValue
                    && document.getElementById(win_Array[1][y]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[2][y]).childNodes[0].nodeValue)
                        win = true;
                        win_value = document.getElementById(win_Array[0][y]).childNodes[0].nodeValue;
                } // checking across values here...
                    if ( document.getElementById(win_Array[0][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[1][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue
                    && document.getElementById(win_Array[1][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[2][2]).childNodes[0].nodeValue
                    || document.getElementById(win_Array[0][2]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[1][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue
                    && document.getElementById(win_Array[1][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[2][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue)
                        win = true;
                        win_value = document.getElementById(win_Array[0][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue;
                    if(win == true)
                        if(win_value == 'X')
                            alert('Player 1 Wins!');
                            alert('Player 2 Wins!');
                    }else {
                        alert("Cat's Game!");
        td {
            width: 50px;
            height: 50px;
            text-align: center;
        body {
            font-size: 6;



Thank you!

Answer №1

It appears that the issue lies within your beat_game() function.

A problem arises when trying to access the nodeValue attribute from a td cell's child node (e.g.,

) as there may not be a child node present, resulting in an exception.

To rectify this, consider using a more reliable method of retrieving the cell's value by utilizing innerHTML instead:


To address the uniformity of all blank squares being considered equal and triggering a win condition, incorporate an additional validation check to confirm the presence of a value in the cell before determining win = true. By implementing these suggestions, one of the loops could resemble the following:

for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) 
    { //for checking across td's
    if (document.getElementById(win_Array[x][0]).innerHTML == document.getElementById(win_Array[x][1]).innerHTML 
    && document.getElementById(win_Array[x][1]).innerHTML == document.getElementById(win_Array[x][2]).innerHTML) 
          win_value = document.getElementById(win_Array[x][0]).innerHTML;
          win = win_value ? true : false;

Upon making these adjustments, you may encounter a new issue where the game repeatedly displays "Cat's game!". This is due to always defaulting to the else case if win is false after winning checks. To resolve this, consider utilizing the run variable to track the maximum number of moves reached.

Furthermore, there seems to be an error in your final diagonal check condition. The win_value is consistently assigned as the top-left element on the board, despite potential variations given the consolidation of both diagonal cases into a single statement.

I hope these insights prove helpful!

Answer №2

Upon investigating the script, an issue caught my attention with the following line (as well as similar variations):

 document.getElementById(win_Array[x][0]).childNodes[0].nodeValue == document.getElementById(win_Array[x][1]).childNodes[0].nodeValue

It is important to note that childNodes[0] may not always be defined - during the initial run, the table may not contain any table cells with child nodes. Only when you input an X or an O does it create a child node within the table cell. When there are no Xs or Os, there will be no child node present, resulting in an error upon each move. This highlights the necessity for completing the game to determine a winner.

My recommendation would be to implement a separate 3x3 array (an array of arrays in JS) consisting of strings or numbers, which can then be used to verify winning conditions.

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