Why am I restricted to adjusting mat-elevation settings within the component's CSS exclusively?

In my Angular 8 project, I am utilizing Angular material to enhance the design of my material cards. To set up the shadow effect on these cards, I am using the elevation helper mixins provided in the documentation: https://material.angular.io/guide/elevation

Instead of customizing the elevations individually in each component's CSS file, I am attempting to apply it at a global level. However, I have encountered an issue where only some of the CSS rules are being applied when declared globally.

Global styles.css declaration:

// styles.scss
@import '~@angular/material/theming';

.card-design {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000; // this rule IS applied
   @include mat-elevation(8); // this rule is NOT applied

Component-level declaration:

// nameOfComponent.component.scss
@import '~@angular/material/theming';

.card-design {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000; // this rule IS applied
   @include mat-elevation(8); // this rule IS applied

The fact that the border color is correctly applied when declaring the class at the global level indicates that the class is being recognized, but the elevation effect is either not being applied or getting overwritten somehow.

How can I resolve this issue?

Answer №1

Consider using :host and/or ::ng-deep in the following manner:

:host ::ng-deep .card-design {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000; // this style is successfully applied
   @include mat-elevation(8); // this style is not applied

Alternatively, you can try:

:host .card-design {
   border: 1px solid #ff0000; // this style is successfully applied
   @include mat-elevation(8); // this style is not applied

Learn more about using :host here. It seems that ::ng-deep has been deprecated, check out the information here.

I have not personally tested this solution, but it should work as I faced similar issues while working with Angular 7.

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