Which specific scoped CSS selector should I use to modify the width of the mdDialog container?

Is there a way to override the max-width of 80vw set on .mat-dialog-container in an Angular Material dialog? I want to create a truly full-width dialog.

The issue lies with scoping--Angular-CLI compiles component CSS using scope attribute selectors.

This means that:

.parent .child 

turns into:

.parent[some_attr] .child[some_other_attr]

However, this specific element appears not to be associated with any component—it lacks a dynamically-generated attribute.


I've tried overriding styles in both the dialog stylesheet and the host component's stylesheet without success.

Learn more about Angular special selectors

Check out the Dialog Plunkr example

Let me clarify further. I seem to be struggling to explain the problem adequately.

If I include the following in my host component stylesheet:

.mat-dialog-container {
    max-width: 100%;

After recompiling the app due to a build watch running, the resulting CSS is as follows:

.mat-dialog-container[_ngcontent-c6] {
    max-width: 100%;

Despite that, the element does not actually possess the _ngcontent-c6 attribute. This attribute is assigned to other elements within siblings or ancestors of .mat-dialog-container. The selector is incorrect.

If I apply the CSS to the dialog component's stylesheet, a similar situation occurs, but with a different attribute ID.

Answer №1

If you want to apply an id to the main body tag and have it affect all dialogs, you can achieve this using the following code snippet:

#bodyID .mat-dialog-container {
  background-color: blue;

This code will override the current styles within the context of the provided example.

If you require individual styles for each dialog, consider exploring the solution discussed in this Stack Overflow thread.

Answer №2

There is no need for a body id in this case, as Angular will rework the selector to no longer target the element at all.

It might be necessary to give up on scoped component styles and instead apply your CSS rule to the global stylesheet. However, keep in mind that this means adding the rule to every page using the component, which could be considered impractical depending on the purpose of the component and its audience.

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