Which is better for creating hover effects: CSS3 or JavaScript?

When hovering over a link, I want to highlight a specific picture and blur the rest. Here's my HTML code:

      <div id="back">
        <div id="one"></div>
        <div id="two"></div>
      <div id="menu">
        <a href="one.html" id="link1">one</a>
        <a href="two.html" id="link2">two</a>

Here's the corresponding CSS code:

position: absolue;
background-image: url(images/fond.png);
width: 960px;
height: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
background-image: url(images/formation.png);
width: 960px;
height: 600px;
background-image: url(images/experiences.png);
width: 960px;
height: 600px;

I've attempted the following in CSS:

#link1:hover #one{

And also tried a JavaScript solution like this:

function over(id){


var objet = document.getElementById(id);

objet.style.display = "none";



Unfortunately, neither approach seems to be working as expected. Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1


<div id="menu">
    <a href="one.html" id="link1">link1</a>
    <a href="two.html" id="link2">link2</a>
<div class="div0" id="zero">
    <div class="div1" id="one"></div>
    <div class="div2" id="two"></div>


.div0 {
    position: absolute;
    top: 30px;
    left: 0px;
    background-image: url(http://www.sanbarcomputing.com/images/js.jpg);
    background-size: 400px 400px;
    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    transition: 1s;
.div1 {
    position: absolute;
    top: 30px;
    left: 0px;
    background-image: url(http://www.sanbarcomputing.com/images/html5-logo.png);
    background-size: 200px 200px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    transition: 1s;
.div2 {
    position: absolute;
    top: 30px;
    left: 200px;
    background-image: url(http://www.sanbarcomputing.com/images/class-header-css3.jpg);
    background-size: 200px 200px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    transition: 1s;


(function () {
    var zeroEl = document.getElementById('zero'),
        oneEl = document.getElementById('one'),
        twoEl = document.getElementById('two'),
        link1El = document.getElementById('link1'),
        link2El = document.getElementById('link2');

    function mouseover (elem) {
        elem.style.opacity = '.2';
        zeroEl.style.opacity = '.2';


    function mouseout (elem) {
        elem.style.opacity = '1';
        zeroEl.style.opacity = '1';

    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
        link1El.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
            mouseover(oneEl); }, false);
        link2El.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
            mouseover(twoEl); }, false);
        link1El.addEventListener('mouseout', function() {
            mouseout(oneEl); }, false);
        link2El.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
            mouseout(twoEl); }, false);
    }, false);


I struggled to implement the CSS hover solution, unfortunately.

NOTICE: This approach utilizes contemporary JavaScript methods that may not be supported by older browsers

ADJUSTMENT: Revised using Pavlo's opacity technique, corrected css mistakes, modified image alignments, converted images into separate divs

Answer №2

To start off, make sure to assign a unique class to each link:

<div id="menu">
   <a href="one.html" class=".link" id="link1">one</a></div>
   <a href="two.html" class=".link" id="link2">two</a></div>

If your css hover effect isn't working as expected, you can try using jQuery instead:

$('.link').hover(function() {
  //handle mouse enter

}, function() {
  //handle mouse leave

For more information, check out: http://api.jquery.com/hover/

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