When working with a barcode font in Chrome, using style.fontFamily may not be effective, but utilizing className can achieve the desired result

Take a look at this HTML snippet:

.barcode { font-family: 'BC C39 3 to 1 Medium'; }
<div><span id='spn'>1234567</span></div>

This code will apply a barcode font style:

document.getElementById('spn').className = 'barcode';

However, the following code won't work:

document.getElementById('spn').style.fontFamily = 'BC C39 3 to 1 Medium';

Why is that?

I'm trying to use the style.fontFamily property instead of className, but it doesn't seem to be working for some reason.

Answer №1

Although you may have already found the solution, I will provide further explanation:

If you were to write

fontFamily = 'BC C39 3 to 1 Medium';
, it is essentially the same as writing:

.barcode { font-family: BC C39 3 to 1 Medium; }

According to the information on MDN regarding valid family names, there is a specific requirement:

Font family names must be enclosed in quotes or written unquoted with one or more identifiers. Special characters and numbers at the beginning of each token in unquoted font family names need to be escaped.

Therefore, when your font name lacks quotation marks, it is considered invalid due to the inclusion of 3 and 1. This holds true even if you utilize style.fontFamily, which is why it should be defined as follows:

document.getElementById('spn').style.fontFamily = "'BC C39 3 to 1 Medium'";

For proper formatting, it's recommended to either enclose 3 and 1 in quotes or escape them individually.

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