When website links are clicked, they receive an unusual border

Encountering issues with CSS on all links. After clicking on a button/link, an unusual border appears (refer to image). Checked all CSS files and did not find any classes associated with this color. View screenshot here

Answer №1

To remove the outline from a tag, you can use the CSS property outline:none.


Answer №2

Here is a suggestion for your CSS:

a:hover, focus, active    {
    border: 0px !important;
    background-color: transparent !important;

To localize these properties, consider adding an id or class to the anchor element and the CSS code above.

Answer №3

Currently unable to view the image while at work, but my assumption is that it displays a dotted outline in the same color as the link text.

If this is the case, having the outline or an equivalent visual aid is crucial for accessibility purposes. To illustrate the significance of this, try hiding your mouse and using the TAB key on the webpage to select the link, then press enter to go to the destination page.

Without some other form of :focus indicator, you won't be able to see what is currently in focus.

Now imagine being physically unable to use a mouse and relying solely on keyboard navigation. The lack of visual feedback would be incredibly frustrating.

It's vital to ensure that your web application remains accessible -- this aspect is highly important.

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