One of the key features of the Selenium WebDriver API is its ability to identify elements using various methods such as ID, class, name, CSS selector, XPath, and tag name. Additionally, you can create custom selectors to interact with elements.
It is recommended to assign unique IDs, names, and classes to elements for easier automated UI testing. If this is not possible, more advanced selectors like XPath may be necessary to target specific elements. CSS selectors are popular due to their performance and simplicity.
driver.findElement("element id"))
driver.findElement(By.className("element class"))
driver.findElement("element name"))
driver.findElement(By.tagName("element html tag name"))
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("css selector"))
driver.findElement("link text"))
driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath expression"))
If there are issues with uniqueness, you can also use the DOM structure to generate XPath expressions. It is important to optimize and improve element locating strategies. Choose the most suitable method based on your needs.
For more information on XPath functions, visit this link.