When using ReactJS, hovering over a row in a table should trigger a change in the background color of the corresponding row in another table with the same index

I need to create a feature where hovering over a row in the first table will highlight a corresponding row in the second table. The highlighting should be based on the index of the hovered row.

Here is an example:

        <tr><td>table 1 row 1</td></tr> // => hovered
        <tr><td>table 1 row 2</td></tr>
        <tr><td>table 1 row 3</td></tr>
        <tr><td>table 2 row 1</td></tr> // => highlighted
        <tr><td>table 2 row 2</td></tr>
        <tr><td>table 2 row 3</td></tr>

Answer №1

For the initial table, incorporate an onMouseEnter/onMouseLeave event that allows you to establish a state containing the index of the row being hovered over

<tr onMouseEnter={() => setRowToHover(1)}><td>table 1 row 1</td></tr>
<tr><td>table 2 row 2</td></tr>

In regards to the second table, dynamically add a className to the tr element for highlighting when using a simple tr or include a highlight prop if utilizing a custom component

<tr className={rowToHover === 1 ? 'hover-class' : ''} ><td>table 2 row 1</td></tr>

Assuming that your array will be rendered in a dynamic manner

Answer №2

apply a specific class to every row

  <tr class="table-row"><td>table 2 row 1</td></tr> // => highlighted
  <tr class="table-row"><td>table 2 row 2</td></tr>
  <tr class="table-row"><td>table 2 row 3</td></tr>

using scss file, (pseudo selector)

.table-row:hover {
  background-color: 'lightblue',

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