When the screen size reaches 600px, show two data products in a two-column layout

Hello everyone, I am seeking help with an issue on my website. I am having trouble displaying my products in two columns per row using CSS/Bootstrap. I am currently using Bootstrap 4 and I would like to customize the way my products are displayed. Below is a sample image of how I want my product list to look when entering a media query at 600px:

Click here for the desired output

Currently, this is how my product display looks:
image2 image3

Answer №1

During a recent project utilizing bootstrap 4, I encountered a similar challenge. One key aspect to consider is whether you are utilizing the img-fluid class within your card design. In order to ensure consistency in height among all cards, it's important to establish a minimum height value within the media query of your card class. For instance, setting min-height: 350px; can help maintain uniformity. Additionally, specifying a width for the card class within the 600px media query is crucial. To fine-tune this aspect, I recommend using Google Chrome's mobile responsiveness mode. By adjusting the width to 600px and experimenting with different pixel values, you can achieve the desired outcome. If you're unfamiliar with this tool, simply right click on your browser, select inspect, then switch to mobile view by clicking on the phone icon next to Elements. Within the mobile view settings, choose Responsive and set the max width to 600. Here is an example of the code:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
    .card {
        width: 48%;
        min-height: 200px;

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