When the page first loads, the slider is responsive, but it does not adjust

I installed the Moving Boxes plugin and customized it to create a full-width image slider. While it works well when the page loads, I'm facing challenges with making it responsive on resize. It appears that the JS script sets fixed widths upon load, which overrides the percentage widths defined in the CSS.

I would appreciate any assistance since I am still learning JavaScript. Thank you in advance!

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The CSS code:

.slider {
    width: 100%;

.slider li {
    width: 80%;

.mb-wrapper {
    margin: 0 auto;
    position: relative;
    left: 0;
    width:100% !important;
    top: 0;

/* Panel Wrapper */
.mb-slider, .mb-scroll {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: 0 auto;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;
    left: 0;
    top: 0;

/*** Slider panel ***/
.mb-slider .mb-panel {
    margin: 0;
    display: block;
    cursor: pointer;
    float: left;
    list-style: none;

.mb-panel.current img {
    filter: alpha(opacity=100);
    -webkit-transition: all 0.2s;
    -moz-transition: all 0.2s;
    transition: all 0.2s;

/*** Inside the panel ***/
.mb-inside {
    margin:0 auto;

.mb-inside img {
    filter: alpha(opacity=40);
    -webkit-transition: all 1s;
    -moz-transition: all 1s;
    transition: all 1s;

.mb-inside * {
    max-width: 100%;

The JS code that handles the generation of widths is possibly causing the issue. Access the full JS file temporarily linked here.

// defaults
                base.$window = base.$el.parent(); // mb-scroll
                base.$wrap = base.$window.parent() // mb-wrapper
                    .prepend('<a class="mb-scrollButtons mb-left"></a>')
                    .append('<a class="mb-scrollButtons mb-right"></a><div class="mb-left-shadow"></div><div class="mb-right-shadow"></div>');

                base.$panels = base.$el.children().addClass('mb-panel');
                base.runTime = $('.mb-slider').index(base.$el) + 1; // Get index (run time) of this slider on the page
                base.regex = new RegExp('slider' + base.runTime + '=(\\d+)', 'i'); // hash tag regex

                base.initialized = false;
                base.currentlyMoving = false;
                base.curPanel = (o.initAnimation) ? 1 : base.getHash() || o.startPanel;
                // save original slider width
                base.width = (o.width) ? parseInt(o.width,10) : base.$el.width();
                // save panel width, o.panelWidth originally a fraction (0.5 of o.width) if defined, or get first panel width
                // now can be set after initialization to resize using fraction (value <= 2) or px (all values > 2)
                base.pWidth = (o.panelWidth) ? (o.panelWidth <=2 ? o.panelWidth * base.width : o.panelWidth) : base.$panels.eq(0).width();

In the JS file, there are specific options that can be adjusted. At the end of these options, it mentions the following:

// deprecated options - but still used to keep the plugin backwards compatible
// and allow resizing the overall width and panel width dynamically (i.e. on window resize)
// width        : '100%',       // overall width of movingBoxes 
// panelWidth   : 0.8        // current panel width adjusted to 80% of overall width

When I uncomment 'width' and 'panel-width' and provide values, the outcomes are unexpected. I can provide more details if needed. It's possible that some conflicts between my CSS and how these options are handled in the JS are causing the issue.

Answer №1

Here is a suggested code snippet to try:

        startPanel   : 1,      // set the initial panel
        wrap         : false,  // do not wrap infinitely
        buildNav     : false,  // do not include navigation links
        navFormatter : function(){ return "&#9679;"; }

$(window).on('resize', function() {

This code initializes a plugin called movingBoxes. While it should work based on theoretical analysis, you may need to tweak parameters passed to the movingBoxes method for optimal functionality.

$.fn.movingBoxes = function(options, callback, flag){
    var mb;
    return this.each(function(){
        mb = $(this).data('movingBoxes');
        if ((typeof(options)).match('object|undefined')){
            if (mb && options instanceof $ && options.length) {
                mb.change(options, callback, flag);
            } else if (mb) {
                mb.update(callback, flag);
            } else {
                (new $.movingBoxes(this, options));
        } else if (mb) {
            mb.change(options, callback, flag);

The issue highlighted here pertains to potential duplication of movingBoxes instances. Upon resizing the window, it's important to ensure that only one instance is active to avoid unexpected behavior. According to comments in the code, multiple initializations are guarded against to maintain stability.

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