When the LI element is clicked, it triggers the display of another LI element without affecting the rest of the

New to the web development scene and trying to figure out how to create a collapsible text feature using HTML, JavaScript, and JQuery. I've got the styling down but struggling with the scripting part. Here's an example of what I'm trying to achieve:

Imagine having a list of book titles as links, and when you click on one, more information about the book expands below it. Clicking on another title collapses the previous book info. Here's a snippet of the HTML code:

<li class="parent"><a href="#">The Wheel of Prison Operations: Useful Tool for Successful
Management of Security</a></li>
<ul class="story">
  <li>Publication, authored “The Wheel of Prison Operations: Useful
    Tool for Successful Management of Security”. June/July1999 issue
    of “Correctional Security Report” a national publication on
    correctional security operations.</li>

  <li class="parent"><a href="#">Use Of Force - Current Practice and Policy</a></li>
    <ul class="story">
      <li>Book on Use of Force in Prisons, September 1998, asked to co-author a book on use of force in
        prisons to be published by the American Correctional Association on use of force in US and
        Canadian Prisons. Use Of Force - Current Practice and Policy Published November 1999.
        Advertised as ACA “Bestseller” for several years.</li>

Below are the two JavaScript attempts I've made so far:

$(".story").css("display", "none");

$("li.parent").click(function() {

I would appreciate any suggestions or feedback on how to improve my current approach. Just exploring this new territory and eager to learn more. Thank you!

Answer №1

To begin with, it is important to note that having <br> and <ul> as siblings of a <li> element is not valid HTML. It is recommended to place the BR and UL tags inside the LI elements.

Once you have corrected your HTML markup, you can consider implementing functionality using jQuery or CSS alone.

A more structured HTML markup example would look like this:

<ul id="books">

    <h2>Book 1</h2>
      Book 1 story goes here

    <h2>Book 2</h2>
      Book 2 story goes here


This updated HTML structure would also require adjustments in your jQuery code for proper selection and handling of elements, especially for sliding the book content story.

Below is a quick demonstration:


  var $allBooksStories = $("#books li > div");

  $("#books h2").click(function(){

#books div{
  display:none; /*Initially hide all stories*/
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul id="books">

    <h2>Book 1</h2>
      Book 1 story goes here

    <h2>Book 2</h2>
      Book 2 story goes here


Answer №2

Here's a suggestion: Make sure to toggle only the story ul under the clicked parent li, without affecting all other story ul elements. I also noticed that you didn't mention a visibility CSS class in your original post, so I utilized toggle() instead.

 $(document).ready(function() {
      // Hide all story ul elements by default when the page loads

      $('.parent').click(function() {
          // Find the specific story under the clicked parent (referenced as $(this))

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