When the CSS class of a DIV is set to X in jQuery, the script will hide all other DIVs with a

Just starting to explore jQuery and still fresh on JS knowledge, I have the desire to craft a jQuery script.

To begin with, here is my HTML snippet:

<div id="user-controls">
    <div class="choice" id="choice-all" onclick="showAll();">All</div>
    <div class="choice" id="choice-asus" onclick="justASUS();">ASUS</div>
    <div class="choice" id="choice-htc" onclick="justHTC();">HTC</div>

<div id="devices">
    <div class="android asus">Nexus 7</div>
    <div class="android htc">One S</div>
    <div class="android htc">One X+</div>
    <div class="android asus">Transformer Prime</div>
    <div class="winph htc">Windows Phone 8X</div>

An ideal jQuery code would be able to carry out the following actions:

  1. Clicking on the #choice-asus DIV should hide all DIVs with the .htc class

  2. Clicking on the #choice-htc DIV should hide all DIVs with the .asus class

  3. Clicking on the #choice-all DIV should set all DIVs to display="inline-block" (the default setting upon page load)

I've made an attempt with the code below, but unfortunately, it's not yielding any results.


Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Best regards, Dylan.

Answer №1

There are so many options to choose from! Check them out here

           var showClass = this.id.split('-')[1],
               filtering = showClass === "all" ? 'div': '.' + showClass;

Answer №2

Have you tried implementing jquery in your code?

Check out the demo here

  $('.htc, .asus').show();



Answer №3

Check out the demo!

        }else if($(this).attr("id")=="option-samsung"){
        }else if($(this).attr("id")=="option-lg"){

Answer №4

In order to maintain simplicity and organization, utilizing a solution like the one provided is advised.

    $('#choice-asus').on('click', function(){
        $('#devices > div:not(.asus)').hide();

This code essentially states that when you click on #choice-asus, any divs in #devices without the class asus will be hidden.

You have the flexibility to customize this code according to your specific requirements. Additionally, it is recommended to employ jQuery's .on() method rather than other event handlers like click/bind for better functionality.

Answer №5


Answer №6

Feel free to experiment with the code below-

function displayAllItems(){
    $("#products div").show();
function showOnlyASUS(){
    $("#products div").hide();
    $("#products .asus").show();
function showOnlyHTC(){
    $("#products div").hide();
    $("#products .htc").show();    

Check out the live demo here.

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