When the 'object' value is 0, the 'level' input will not appear on the screen

Task at hand:
Hide the 'level' input when the 'object' value is 0.

Current situation:

input type="text" id="level"                                          
input type="text" id="object"                     

My attempt:

var lvl = document.getElementById("level")
var ogg = document.getElementById("object")

if (ogg == 0) {
    lvl.style.display = 'none';


I am struggling to get this code to work as I am new to JavaScript. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Answer №1

ogg represents an HTML element that requires the value property of ogg to access the value of the input.

if ( ogg.value == 0) {
        lvl.style.display = 'none';


If you need to check if the value is null or empty:

if (!ogg.value && ogg.value.trim() == "") {
    lvl.style.display = 'none';


Answer №2

To retrieve the input field's value, utilize the .value attribute as demonstrated below:

if (ogg.value == 0) {
    lvl.style.display = 'none';

Answer №3

Obtain the element by using var ogg = document.getElementById("object")
. This will give you access to the element.

To retrieve the value of the input element, simply use ogg.value.


You will receive the value as a string from the input element.

If you expect the input to be an integer or number, it is recommended to parse it into an int like this:

var value = parseInt(ogg.value)

You can now use this parsed value in conditional statements like so:

if(value === 0)

Answer №4

Follow these steps:

let value = document.getElementById("object").value;

The .value attribute allows you to retrieve the text value of the HTML element. Do you have any other inquiries?

For more details:Check here

Furthermore, you can modify the text value of an element using .value

document.getElementById("myOption").value = "newText";

Answer №5

To properly validate the value of object, you need to use the keyup event. Here is a functional example:

var level = document.getElementById("level");
var object = document.getElementById("object");

function checkValue(){
  if (parseInt(object.value) === 0) {
      level.style.display = 'none';
  else {
      level.style.display = 'block';
<input type="text" id="level" placeholder="Level">
<input type="text" id="object" placeholder="Object" onkeyup="checkValue()">

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