When incorporating CSS with Bootstrap, it may not always have a visible impact on the

As a newcomer to using Bootstrap, I recently created a webpage with Bootstrap3. However, I encountered an issue when trying to apply two classes to the same element, as the CSS was not being applied:

Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div class="col-md-4 auminascroll">
    dfgdgdfgdfgsdfgh cxzvdzfhfdbfd fbfddf
<div class="col-md-4 auminascroll">fghfdghfdhdfhfdsh</div>
<div class="col-md-4 auminascroll">dfgdsgdsfg</div>

And here is the CSS code snippet:

.col-md-4 .auminascroll {

   height: 50px;
   overflow-y: auto; 


Despite adding the above CSS, I found that it did not produce the desired effect. Strangely, when I included height: 50px; overflow-y: auto; within a style tag, it worked perfectly fine. What could be causing this discrepancy in applying the CSS styles with these Bootstrap classes? Is there something wrong with my code?

I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this matter!

Answer №1

Great job, you're almost there! Remember, when selecting two classes in CSS, there should be no space between the class names - simply separate them with a dot.

.col-md-4.auminascroll { /* no space between the two classes */

 height: 50px;
 overflow-y: auto; 


If you have a space between the classes like this: .class-a .class-b, it means that the browser will look for an element with class-b inside an element with class-a.

<div class="col-md-4">
    <div class="auminascroll">

Answer №2

Make sure to correct the CSS selector you are using. The proper format should be:

.col-md-4.auminascroll {

  height: 50px;
  overflow-y: auto; 


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