When implementing $().html, certain impacts of mdui may fade away

I've been exploring the functionalities provided by mdui.org, specifically the panel feature. Initially, I had successfully integrated the codes into the HTML body with no issues.

View the code here

See the screen capture here

This allowed me to toggle the panel open and close using a simple arrow click. However, certain customization parameters necessitated modifying the HTML/CSS structure. To achieve this, I utilized $(selector).html(code) to inject additional HTML content inside, including a table element with the ID "table".

The script code snippet goes as follows:

    // Code for generating random scaling factor

Unfortunately, upon implementing these changes, I encountered an issue where clicking the arrow failed to open the panel as intended. I'm currently at a loss on how MDUI manages to trigger the panel opening upon arrow click. Any guidance or solution in resolving this issue would be much appreciated.

Answer №1

By utilizing $('#table').html(html);, you are essentially causing the Panel instance within the table to be eradicated, necessitating a reinitialization.

In the event that you are employing attributes like mdui-panel and your MDUI version exceeds 0.4.0, simply invoke mdui.mutation() right after this command $('#table').html(html);

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